Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Based on my friends page I wanted to talk about this. Now I know this is a bit much but I cant help but wonder how others feel about this particular subject. Does size matter?
My opinion is it does matter but each woman has a specific size they are comfortable with. There is no two woman in the world that can say they love a man with a "Hugh Mandingo" sized penis I know woman that prefer the itty bitty penis committee and that's also okay I suppose depending on the woman. I prefer width over length although length is definitely important but I don't want someone who is going to permanently destroy my body,  I do feel the perfect size is about 7, 71/2 and thick that's pleasurable for me.

 Although size can be good/ bad it still has nothing to do with pleasurable sex, it's the partner and his/ her experience that makes the size amazing.Stop me if I'm wrong but think about it a man with the most prefect size penis with no experience and or who doesn't think about his partner at all in bed, selfish and what most disappointed woman refers to as a minute man can only disappoint his partner so that blessing he has inside of his pants is just a waste. I think that we should stop focusing on size and more on how to please our partners, there is no two woman/ man in the world that likes to be kissed the same as the last person, so what on earth makes a guy believe that the next woman would want to be sexed like his ex? There are woman in the world that don't want to have sex at all there are woman in the world that like the idea of making love! but how can u know these things if you don't take the time to actually figure out what makes your partner tick!

What do you guys think I would greatly appreciate feed back on this subject, please comment, both ladies and gentlemen !Keeping reading Simplyebby for my outlandish out looks on life!!! 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Best I ever had

I woke up this morning and steered at my fiancee, how peaceful he looked and smiled to myself feeling so lucky to have found someone to love me the way that he does. There is very little people in the world that will experience what I have in life and finally find someone that will love you through it flaws and all. I am blessed, I have been defined and favored, my lord loved me so much that he brought me someone who would love me beyond my pain. I have to often remind myself that things aren't always going to be perfect though, even when you have the perfect one for you there will still be the moments were you cant stand each other.... but let that only be for the moment not for the life time.

I have never been happier there is so much I want to do in life and there isn't  a moment were I don't want to experience it without him. I believe that things will always be emotional roller coasters but if at the end of the day you find yourself only wanting to lay in there arms love them with all your heart, wake up to there presents in the morning and the only one you can see your life with marriage and children then you have found your soul mate. I have never thought of having children with anyone but him nor do I see myself having anymore children without him. he is my other half the love that is dreamed of flaws and all. I was scared to let someone love me the way that he loves me and had it not been for him being consistent and willing to fight for me I would have lost out on the best things in life. I am grateful I am loved!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

So today's Mother's day... another day to remind use how hard we work for the very little people we love dear to our hearts. I love being a mom but I think that mother's deserve a week instead of just one day. :)
 There is so many things about being a mom that makes this day so worth the hard work we put in. The smiles they give when you kiss there tiny cheeks, the hugs and moments were all they do is want to be with no one but you. My little girl is so special she not only made me a card that said " worlds best mom" but all day she tells me what a fantastic mom I am to her... that's special to me, although I do get frustrated as a mother all that I handle per day is so far from an easy job, but there is nothing in the world I want more. 

So to all the mother in the world .. Today is the one day of the year were we can relax and rep the reward of just being fantastic and phenomenal  to our child HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! <3

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Another piece of my mind

There is so many things in this world that don't always make since to me. The in and out of perfect and imperfections. For example love! I wish things were simply like a Nicholas Sparks book were there is an undying love and attraction until the occurring of old age; but that's not how things go now do they! We pride out very existence in finding this love that last forever, the cant eat, cant sleep, think of that person day in and day out kind of thing. Facts dont always agree with emotions and chemical balance, but "LIKE" sometimes feels alot like "LOVE" and confusing the two is dangerous.

I often wonder if there really is a such thing, that Notebook Noah and Ally love or the infamous Romeo and Juliet without the horrendous tragedy of course, but a love so strong that time just lays down and stands still for. My theory is that love just is, all these great minds that imagine these great sacrificial loves were there will be this all or nothing just doesn't exist.Most couple can barely stand the sight of each other after their 5th year of the so called undying love. I suppose some people will call me a pessimist.... I beg to differ! I'm a realist code for " says a whole lot of crab that although may have a logical point is still negative" and its not logical that one person can have an undying attraction to only one other person.

Fact: we are all predator  with that being said how can u truly ever tame a predator there is a natural animal instinct in our nature and that has nothing to do with love... rules of attraction. something I have went deeper in on one of my previous post. So thus what is love? Do we practice this saying just to mellow that animal with in us? Do we all have a divine need to believe in this method of self acceptance and if love out side of unconditional really exist then why is there attraction to another? these statements outside of predator  is just observation not fact! 

Just another piece of my mind from one blogger to the next!! keep reading Siimplyebby for my insight and outlandish opinions on life..... I love it!! 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Misery Loves Company

Famous Quote: to thee own self be true, This quote is so powerful, meaning that a person has to be and know their self in and out, learn yourself love yourself flaws and all, knowing ones self makes it impossible too be anyone else and live in the light of either harming or pretending to be someone else. although I do not think one can know themselves entirely there is always room for improvement and growth, but getting to know yourself and knowing what you want to give is the most important factor right? So before I began drilling the incompetence of some individuals I must ask this one question DO YOU KNOW AND LOVE YOURSELF?

I have played witness to some cruel and inhumane attempts for self authorization and although I am a third part with no particular involvement in the matter at hand, I often find myself annoyed with said persons.
Lack of self esteem, capable of doing the most ridiculous things to bring others to the exact miserable state. 
I cant see the amusement in trying to destroy someone else's happiness because your not brave enough to go out into the world to discover your own. it has been  said to many times that misery loves company; but the company you get is not always the company you want!

I want to be the person that says grow up this isn't high school or an episode of 90210 there is no punch line or or suspenseful ending , and just in case you didn't read Cinderella the vindictive spiteful ones always lose take notes. Its the most appalling  thing to watch weak people continue on destructive paths until they have nothing and no one lift in the world. What amazes me though is even knowing their wrong 99.9% of the time there is still this lingering want and need to believe  that what disaster they have made will eventually have some kind of warm, fulfilling out come. I beg to differ! You always know the ones, abusing some kind of substance to prevent from having to actually deal with themselves, Always seeking out attention from any and everyone around them, tries to justify there mistakes and put them off on others, cant take responsibility for there own actions, always playing the victim If this is you please go find something useful to do with your time!

Its like Will Smith said and I quote: If you are not in my life to make thing better, then you are just wasting my time!