Monday, May 14, 2012

Best I ever had

I woke up this morning and steered at my fiancee, how peaceful he looked and smiled to myself feeling so lucky to have found someone to love me the way that he does. There is very little people in the world that will experience what I have in life and finally find someone that will love you through it flaws and all. I am blessed, I have been defined and favored, my lord loved me so much that he brought me someone who would love me beyond my pain. I have to often remind myself that things aren't always going to be perfect though, even when you have the perfect one for you there will still be the moments were you cant stand each other.... but let that only be for the moment not for the life time.

I have never been happier there is so much I want to do in life and there isn't  a moment were I don't want to experience it without him. I believe that things will always be emotional roller coasters but if at the end of the day you find yourself only wanting to lay in there arms love them with all your heart, wake up to there presents in the morning and the only one you can see your life with marriage and children then you have found your soul mate. I have never thought of having children with anyone but him nor do I see myself having anymore children without him. he is my other half the love that is dreamed of flaws and all. I was scared to let someone love me the way that he loves me and had it not been for him being consistent and willing to fight for me I would have lost out on the best things in life. I am grateful I am loved!!


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww baby I'm so speechless Honestly there is no words to describe how i feel about you my love, no physical contact just the love in my heart and eyes when i look at you. I Love You Now and Forever.
